I've maintained a 75 lb. weight loss for nearly four years. These are my top 7 tips for weight loss.
1. Eat every 3-4 hours
While the science isn't exact, this works because it keeps blood sugar stable. Not only does it keep the body fueled for activity, it also prevents simple carbohydrate binges, which happen when you go too long without eating and your body craves the simplest form of sugar it can get.
2. Eat food in its whole form.
You've probably heard about shopping the perimeter of the grocery store. In addition to that, beans, nuts, whole grains and essential oils (olive and coconut) are key components of a balanced nutrition plan. Fruit, vegetables and lean protein are the basis of any healthy diet.
3. Do exercise you enjoy.
Forget the latest exercise craze. Do what you love! As you start to do physical activity on a regular basis, you can explore a more well-rounded exercise plan. So, if you love to walk, get moving!
4. Drink water.
Simple enough, right? Did you know that most people need half of their entire body weight in ounces of water per day? Depending on your activity level and how much you sweat, a good place to start is to take your body weight and divide it in half. That's how many ounces of water you should drink a day.
5. Find what works for you.
There are a lot of great nutrition programs out there. Find one that speaks to you, that supports your goals and lifestyle, and start there. A little bit of structure goes a long way. Educating yourself about nutrition is the best way to ensure success in the long run.
6. When in doubt, hire a pro.
Don't wait until you've tried everything. If you're serious about weight loss and improving your health, seek the services of a certified nutritionist and certified personal trainer. Your physician is a great place to start for help with a nutritionist. Look for a CPT with a national certification: NASM, ACE, ACSM or NSCA. Ask questions before you hire and make a financial commitment. A professional should have no problem answering questions about their qualifications or experience.
7. Take the focus off of weight loss.
Wait, did she just say that? Yes. Focus on healthy habit changes. Weight loss is a byproduct of healthy and balanced living. Fix your habits. The weight loss will follow.
A certified personal trainer sharing motivation, inspiration and fitness tips from a Christ-centered perspective.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
HOPE Part IV: Trust Me
Have you ever prayed so hard for something and get it, only to realize that it was just a resting point on your journey? Life is a continuum. Each day flows into the next. Every decision we make, even the smallest ones, make a path for us through life. Sometimes the road is winding, straight, or circles. Sometimes we fall in a hole or valley before reaching the mountain top.
I know this is a fitness blog, and you probably landed here looking for motivation, fitness tips or advice. I promise I will continue those topics, but my story, my testimony, needs to be told. I had a mentor once tell me to never spend time with people who don't value you. Don't waste your energy trying to convince someone to 'get you.' They either will or they won't. The people who get you want to hear what you have to say. So, my goal is that my story will help you 'get' me and that you might be inspired or motivated to keep going on whatever journey you're on; to have HOPE.
Please read on for the next installment in my blog series HOPE Part IV: Trust Me
Hebrews 13:21 tells us that God will equip us to do his will. Being equipped comes in a lot of forms. Sometimes it's an academic education, and sometimes it's life. A close friend recently told me that the most powerful testimonies come from a person who lived through pain and came out on the other side, giving God all the glory and praise.
I thought that when I left my corporate job to go into business co-ownership that I would stay in that business forever. I could see myself running and growing that business for many years. I never imagined God would use that business to prepare and equip me for my true calling: to serve women through fitness and help them find freedom in Jesus. If you're a follower of Jesus Christ, your whole mission in the Kingdom is to share the gospel. It's really simple when you break it down. The Bible tells us that everything we do is to bring people to a relationship with Jesus. While I knew that, I didn't know how that applied to my life. I mean, you have to work to earn a living.
Every day is an opportunity to serve others. Through kindness, through good works and through words. And sometimes, when you've served first not seeking to be served, opportunities to witness happen. More and more, day by day, I was getting to pray for people and to hear their stories and struggles.
For three years, I threw myself into fitness. I learned all I could about the business from an amazing mentor and friend. She taught me everything she knew, which was a lot! I never imagined that me, someone who had struggled with her weight and self-worth her whole life, could be a fitness professional, but it was happening! I became a certified trainer and quickly started serving clients who wanted what I had to teach them.
I thrived on the busyness, on the grind of the fitness business, until I burned out. It hit me like a ton of bricks one day. I had been listening to God, as he pushed me to lead a fitness small group through my church. I had been resisting leading a group, letting the enemy tell me I wasn't good enough. I finally gave in and after our first group meeting, I felt God tugging on my heart. During my personal devotional time with God, he was speaking to me to leave my business. I asked how and why. He simply said, "Trust me."
Now, I used to be one of those people who didn't understand when others said the Lord was speaking to them. But as I grew closer in my walk with God, I learned to be still and listen, and I was craving his voice. I kept praying over how and when to leave my business and God told me it would be ok and that he needed me to serve women in a much deeper way. I had no idea what that meant, but I trusted God.
The best thing about listening to the Holy Spirit is that IT'S NEVER WRONG! God's voice is always true. So, here I was, about to leave the business that I had invested everything in, money and time, with no clear direction about what the future would hold, except the words, "trust me." And I did, and have never looked back.
Please join me next time for the next part of my HOPE series.
I know this is a fitness blog, and you probably landed here looking for motivation, fitness tips or advice. I promise I will continue those topics, but my story, my testimony, needs to be told. I had a mentor once tell me to never spend time with people who don't value you. Don't waste your energy trying to convince someone to 'get you.' They either will or they won't. The people who get you want to hear what you have to say. So, my goal is that my story will help you 'get' me and that you might be inspired or motivated to keep going on whatever journey you're on; to have HOPE.
Please read on for the next installment in my blog series HOPE Part IV: Trust Me
Hebrews 13:21 tells us that God will equip us to do his will. Being equipped comes in a lot of forms. Sometimes it's an academic education, and sometimes it's life. A close friend recently told me that the most powerful testimonies come from a person who lived through pain and came out on the other side, giving God all the glory and praise.
I thought that when I left my corporate job to go into business co-ownership that I would stay in that business forever. I could see myself running and growing that business for many years. I never imagined God would use that business to prepare and equip me for my true calling: to serve women through fitness and help them find freedom in Jesus. If you're a follower of Jesus Christ, your whole mission in the Kingdom is to share the gospel. It's really simple when you break it down. The Bible tells us that everything we do is to bring people to a relationship with Jesus. While I knew that, I didn't know how that applied to my life. I mean, you have to work to earn a living.
Every day is an opportunity to serve others. Through kindness, through good works and through words. And sometimes, when you've served first not seeking to be served, opportunities to witness happen. More and more, day by day, I was getting to pray for people and to hear their stories and struggles.
For three years, I threw myself into fitness. I learned all I could about the business from an amazing mentor and friend. She taught me everything she knew, which was a lot! I never imagined that me, someone who had struggled with her weight and self-worth her whole life, could be a fitness professional, but it was happening! I became a certified trainer and quickly started serving clients who wanted what I had to teach them.
I thrived on the busyness, on the grind of the fitness business, until I burned out. It hit me like a ton of bricks one day. I had been listening to God, as he pushed me to lead a fitness small group through my church. I had been resisting leading a group, letting the enemy tell me I wasn't good enough. I finally gave in and after our first group meeting, I felt God tugging on my heart. During my personal devotional time with God, he was speaking to me to leave my business. I asked how and why. He simply said, "Trust me."
Now, I used to be one of those people who didn't understand when others said the Lord was speaking to them. But as I grew closer in my walk with God, I learned to be still and listen, and I was craving his voice. I kept praying over how and when to leave my business and God told me it would be ok and that he needed me to serve women in a much deeper way. I had no idea what that meant, but I trusted God.
The best thing about listening to the Holy Spirit is that IT'S NEVER WRONG! God's voice is always true. So, here I was, about to leave the business that I had invested everything in, money and time, with no clear direction about what the future would hold, except the words, "trust me." And I did, and have never looked back.
Please join me next time for the next part of my HOPE series.
Monday, June 13, 2016
HOPE Part III: If God is for us, who can be against us?
When I sit back and think about my journey to motherhood over the last 8 years, I am humbled. I can see God's hand all over my life; orchestrating, molding and crafting a beautiful symphony. If this journey were set to music, I can actually hear the changes in tempo and melody in my head. It hasn't always been this way, but the beautiful thing about knowing God and having a relationship with Jesus is that you can have peace and joy in the midst of circumstances that seem hopeless.
Please read on for the continuation of my blog series, HOPE Part III: If God is for us, who can be against us?
Four years ago, I received a medical diagnosis for a condition called PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome. It explained my miscarriages, the weight gain after discontinuing the use of hormonal birth control, my high blood sugar and so many other symptoms, including cysts on my ovaries that my gynecologist informed me would make conception the old-fashioned way difficult for me and my husband. I felt strongly that God had led me to this new doctor, who actually listened to me and confirmed I wasn't crazy when I thought something wasn't right with my body. He referred me to a reproductive endocrinologist, a fertility specialist, who might be able to help.
The funny thing about getting answers in the natural is that sometimes we read into it. For me, I thought to myself, "is this from God?" That question should always be the first one we ask, but we should also to pray and meditate about it. More often than not, God will show us his will through multiple signs, occurrences and people. But God also uses disappointment, struggle and defeat to get our attention. It's not cruel, vengeful or malicious, but it's love. He knows us, He created us and He knows exactly what it will take to get our attention.
The six months following my diagnosis were heartbreaking. I had four failed fertility treatments. My marriage was strained. I was still trying to control the outcome, but God had other plans. He kept whispering to me to leave my job. I questioned God's command, "How could I leave my job? My awesome insurance was paying for fertility treatment. I must be crazy!"
I had been in prayer more than ever before; not knowing how to give up control but knowing I needed to let God move the pieces. God was trying to get my attention. One of the ways he does this is through a restless spirit (Esther 6:1-14). I knew something had to give. I was miserable, and I worked for a non-profit that focused on maternal and infant health. It was a daily reminder of my failure to become a mother. I had been interviewing for lots of jobs, but nothing was panning out. And then came two different signs.
My husband told me to just quit and we'd figure it out. Money would be tight, but we'd be ok. And then, a good friend hopped in my car as I was leaving my office one day. She told me that she was serious about hiring me away. She owned a small business, a fitness center, and knew that I'd be an asset (she'd been saying that for four years). She couldn't pay me what I was earning, but she offered me partnership, controlling interest and the opportunity to build a dream with her.
I prayed about it and talked with my husband. This would be the perfect opportunity to focus on my health and wellbeing. So I jumped in with two feet, not really knowing the path my life was getting ready to take. For the first time, I was fully confident that with God on my side, there was nothing I couldn't do.
Romans 8:31 NIV
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Please read on for the continuation of my blog series, HOPE Part III: If God is for us, who can be against us?
Four years ago, I received a medical diagnosis for a condition called PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome. It explained my miscarriages, the weight gain after discontinuing the use of hormonal birth control, my high blood sugar and so many other symptoms, including cysts on my ovaries that my gynecologist informed me would make conception the old-fashioned way difficult for me and my husband. I felt strongly that God had led me to this new doctor, who actually listened to me and confirmed I wasn't crazy when I thought something wasn't right with my body. He referred me to a reproductive endocrinologist, a fertility specialist, who might be able to help.
The funny thing about getting answers in the natural is that sometimes we read into it. For me, I thought to myself, "is this from God?" That question should always be the first one we ask, but we should also to pray and meditate about it. More often than not, God will show us his will through multiple signs, occurrences and people. But God also uses disappointment, struggle and defeat to get our attention. It's not cruel, vengeful or malicious, but it's love. He knows us, He created us and He knows exactly what it will take to get our attention.
The six months following my diagnosis were heartbreaking. I had four failed fertility treatments. My marriage was strained. I was still trying to control the outcome, but God had other plans. He kept whispering to me to leave my job. I questioned God's command, "How could I leave my job? My awesome insurance was paying for fertility treatment. I must be crazy!"
I had been in prayer more than ever before; not knowing how to give up control but knowing I needed to let God move the pieces. God was trying to get my attention. One of the ways he does this is through a restless spirit (Esther 6:1-14). I knew something had to give. I was miserable, and I worked for a non-profit that focused on maternal and infant health. It was a daily reminder of my failure to become a mother. I had been interviewing for lots of jobs, but nothing was panning out. And then came two different signs.
My husband told me to just quit and we'd figure it out. Money would be tight, but we'd be ok. And then, a good friend hopped in my car as I was leaving my office one day. She told me that she was serious about hiring me away. She owned a small business, a fitness center, and knew that I'd be an asset (she'd been saying that for four years). She couldn't pay me what I was earning, but she offered me partnership, controlling interest and the opportunity to build a dream with her.
I prayed about it and talked with my husband. This would be the perfect opportunity to focus on my health and wellbeing. So I jumped in with two feet, not really knowing the path my life was getting ready to take. For the first time, I was fully confident that with God on my side, there was nothing I couldn't do.
Romans 8:31 NIV
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Jumpstart your metabolism with apple cider vinegar
We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But what you may not know is that there are other things you can do first thing in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism, your digestive system and your circulatory system. Below is my recipe that I start my day with every morning. I drink it all at once.
Jumpstart your metabolism with apple cider vinegar

Here are some other benefits of apple cider vinegar and raw honey.
The taste takes a little getting used to, but the lemon and honey help and give you an added nutritional boost. Best of all (in my opinion), if you aren't regular in the morning, about 20 minutes afterward you should be! (I'm convinced a good BM will fix anything.) There are many benefits to drinking warm water first thing in the morning!
Try it out and leave your comments below!
Yours in health,
Coach Steph
Jumpstart your metabolism with apple cider vinegar

Here are some other benefits of apple cider vinegar and raw honey.
The taste takes a little getting used to, but the lemon and honey help and give you an added nutritional boost. Best of all (in my opinion), if you aren't regular in the morning, about 20 minutes afterward you should be! (I'm convinced a good BM will fix anything.) There are many benefits to drinking warm water first thing in the morning!
Try it out and leave your comments below!
Yours in health,
Coach Steph
Friday, June 10, 2016
Healthier breakfast alternative for your meat and potatoes man
What do you do when you're trying to eat healthy and prepare clean meals for your family and your husband and only wants meat and potatoes? If your significant other is like mine, he's not going to drink a smoothie or eat an egg white omelette! So, instead of trying to change him, I just try to prepare the healthiest version of foods that he loves.
This is my recipe for an alternative to him swinging through the drive-through and getting a breakfast sandwich every day because he wants a hot meal. I don't get up early to make him one, and these can be stored in Ziploc bags and reheated for grab and go.
Healthy breakfast alternative for your meat and potatoes man
Drop biscuits:
4 1/2 c Bisquick all-purpose baking mix
1 1/3 c skim milk or plain almond milk
1 c shredded cheese
1 lb all natural pork or turkey sausage (I get our pork from the farmers market, and it's farm-to-table. No nitrates, fillers, hormones or antibiotics. I used turkey sausage for a long time. Just read your labels so that you're not giving something that's full of preservatives)
Preheat your oven to 450 degrees and grease a cookie sheet with butter or cooking spray.
Mix the Bisquick and milk in a large bowl, then fold in the cheese. Add browned sausage (cook it first) until all is mixed evenly.
Use a serving spoon or a cookie baller (one size up from a melon baller. Pampered chef has a good one if you're looking) to drop the biscuits onto your greased cookie sheet. I do 4 to a row so I can bake 16 at a time. Bake for 10 minutes and let them cool on a baker's rack or paper towels.
Use a serving spoon or a cookie baller (one size up from a melon baller. Pampered chef has a good one if you're looking) to drop the biscuits onto your greased cookie sheet. I do 4 to a row so I can bake 16 at a time. Bake for 10 minutes and let them cool on a baker's rack or paper towels.
Once cooled, I package them into sandwich bags for easy serving. My husband eats three at a time, but you can figure out what you need. One batch makes 30-32 biscuits depending on how you measure them. This gets us a little over a week of breakfast. To reheat, wrap the biscuits in a damp paper towel for about 20 seconds.
Lower in fat, preservatives and calories than any biscuit from any fast food restaurant and much cheaper. All the ingredients cost us about $5 for 8-9 meals! Your man will be eating something yummy, semi-healthy, and you can feel good about what he's eating and not spending at the drive-through. I love feeding yummy food to my family, and I know he appreciates the little bit of effort that I put into making sure that he gets a hot breakfast in the morning. Happy baking!

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