Yes, you read that right. You have to eat to lose weight.
Your body requires fuel. It is a magnificent machine. But, you have to feed it right to get the results you want.
I did a phone consultation with a weight loss client today. She told me she had hit a plateau and was no longer losing. I asked her what an average day looked like. She gave me this food journal entry:
Breakfast - granola bar, 140-150 calories, 32 oz of water
Lunch - Salad with greens and grilled or baked meat, 400 calories
Dinner - anything I can get my hands on. I'm starving.
Anyone see the problem here? My client isn't eating enough. By the time dinner rolls around, her blood sugar is so low and her body is starving, so she eats the most satisfying, quick food she can get - simple carbohydrates.
Most women are afraid to eat. Afraid that 300-400 calories at a meal will make them fat. WRONG. What's making you fat is you're starving your body. Be good to it, feed it, and you will start to see the scale move.
Food journaling is a very effective tool for weight loss. Simply writing down in a notebook what you eat each day will help you see trends in your habits. There are also apps for smartphones and websites that help you keep track. Whatever helps you keep yourself accountable, do it. Don't go crazy obsessing over calories, but keeping track of what you eat will make you aware of how much you're actually consuming.
Mayo Clinic has a calorie estimator on their website. Your daily caloric needs depend on your height, weight, sex, age and daily activity level. As long as you eat close to your calories needed per day and moderately exercise, the scale should move.
Keep these tips in mind too:
1. Never go more than three hours without eating. When you eat a snack in between your meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner), it helps your stabilize your blood sugar and will help you avoid binges that happen when you wait until you are starving to eat.
2. Use fruit as fuel for exercise. Best time to eat fruit: first thing in the morning with protein or 30 minutes before a workout for fuel. Fruit is very good for you and full of nutrients, but it is a sugar and when not paired with a protein, it can spike your blood sugar and leave you unsatisfied and hungry an hour later.
3. Explore new vegetables. One of the main complaints people have when starting to eat better is boredom with food. There are so many vegetables and countless ways to cook them.
So be adventurous, visit your local farmer's market and try something new!
4. Stick to proteins and veggies at all of your meals. Vegetables are a great source of carbohydrates and are very nutritious. Simple carbohydrates (potatoes, white bread, white rice, pasta, sugar, corn), when not used as a fuel, turn to fat in the body when not used as fuel. Your best bet is to eat simple carbs sparingly.
Along with a healthy diet, all-natural, healthy supplements can accelerate your weight loss. I have a lot of clients who take Nutri-Thin, Nutri-Cleanse and Sea Veg as a part of their weight loss plan. Check them out for yourself.
I'd love to help you reach your goals. Follow me on Twitter, Like me on Facebook, or shoot me an email.
Yours in health,
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