Friday, May 30, 2014

Why participate in a weight loss challenge?

I want to preface this post by saying this: you are amazing.  you are beautiful. you are enough.  

That being said, I know that sometimes the amazing person that we are on the inside doesn't always show through on the outside.  I personally know how that feels.  I am the same person I was two years ago: AWESOME, smart, funny, kind compassionate, caring; I could go on and on because I know now what it is to love myself.  However, the person I am today was buried under self-hate, depression and unhappiness.  I couldn't let the light shine out because I felt broken on the inside.

The answer to my troubles was not to lose weight.  

I know you're probably thinking, "Wait, did she just say that?  I thought this was going to be a post about losing weight?"  It is, let me get there.

The answer to fixing whatever is broken is not going to be found by weight loss alone.  It starts with loving yourself.  

I believe the reason that I have been so successful for the first time in my life in finding balance between work, relationships, fitness and nutrition is because I finally took the time to assess why I was unhappy.  For me, it started at the core with my faith.  That's not the case for everyone, but it was for me.  

From there, I started making lists of the qualities about myself that I loved, and those I didn't like so much. I asked for help from people in my life who supported me: parents, close friends and my husband. I know it sounds cheesy, but make a list about what you love about yourself without referring to a body part.  Make a list of what you'd like to improve, and don't put a body part.  If you ever want to be successful at finally losing and maintaining weight, you have to start by loving yourself.

I'm still on my journey, but in the process of "just wanting to lose weight," I found out how miserable I was in my job and was diagnosed (finally) with a legitimate medical condition and used that as a springboard to better health. I also realized I am perfect the way God made me and that any improvement physically would not make me any more beautiful in His eyes.  I just had to see and believe that, too.

So, the weight loss part...

I consider myself a coach. I train clients physically to be their best. But I also realize that with outward changes, a lot happens on the inside and between our ears.  Our minds are powerful.

I have a lot of success stories.  I'll be posting some in the coming weeks.  You'll meet some of my clients who I've helped.  You'll see their before and after photos.  The biggest thing all my clients have in common are these:

1. They were ready mentally to make a LIFESTYLE change
2. They embraced my plan and were honest and vulnerable
3. They stopped the self-hate

Those are pretty much my requirements.  Check the negativity at the door and be ready to improve yourself.  I don't work with clients who crash-diet.  Yes, we set goals, but we're in this for the long haul.  And goals come in all shapes and sizes, not just numbers on a scale.

That being said, when you work with me on a 90-day challenge you get one-on-one coaching, personal training and exercise tips and plans, email, phone and social media support, nutritional counseling and someone who 100% is committed to helping you reach your goals.

If you've tried every diet, workout plan, etc, and you're ready to change your life for good, then look no further.  You are here.  And I offer all this for the very low price of $40/month for 3 months (or longer if you decide to stick with me).  

Want to learn more?  Message me on Facebook, send me a DM on Twitter, Email me or leave a post below and we'll get connected.  

Thank you for reading.  I love hearing from you.

Yours in health,

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